Starry Path barn quilt by Linda Grom, original in acrylic on canvas - at Spy Rock Graphics -

Painting from Starry Path quilt block design

We chose Linda’s Starry Path barn quilt composition as the icon for her new website. This design is bold, simple, and straightforward. That makes it easily easily recognized regardless of its size. Stary Path exemplifies the wide variety of ways a single geometric pattern can be repurposed and repurposed again. This design may have begun as a pattern for a quilt block, executed in fabric. Linda used it as the subject for a painting. And, now we are re-using it as a graphic element in a website.

While the design appears simple, Linda reminds me that replicating it using a straight edge and compass can be quite challenging.

Linda executes her barn quilt paintings in acrylic on canvas, typically 30 inches square. Then, we photograph the paintings and print them on high quality canvas, stretched and ready to hang. Or, we print them on aluminum sign stock yielding brilliant colors and suitable for display indoors or out.

4 thoughts on “Painting from Starry Path quilt block design”

  1. Hi Linda,

    Some beautiful paintings. I did notice there is no information on how to purchase the items or the price of the items. Did I miss it? Is there a price list, size of the paintings, contact information somewhere? I must have missed that as well. Stay well, be happy, and keep up the good work.

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    Thanks so much for visiting Linda’s website. The site is still in development and only available to friends right now. We will be adding more to it, including a link to the website where prints will be available to purchase. We will send you a note when the store is open.
    We really appreciate your feedback!

  3. These are so pretty. I would like a beautiful “artsy” Sun to put out by my pool. If not to expensive. The sun and moon Mexican pottery pieces I acquired while on holiday in Mexico, finally gave up after 25 years of beauty. I will be in touch to see if you have anything I might like for that space.

    Great art!

  4. Thanks for the kind words Susan. When you connect with Linda you can let her know which design you like best and what size would work for you. Then we will get you some particulars on prices and schedule.


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